JUNE 30, 2021
PURPOSE OF EVENTThis event is sponsored by LVAPA. It's purpose is to bring awareness to the benefits of being outside and reconnecting with nature.
In addition, this event is to bring a positive light to our association as well as local facilities. |
HOW TO PARTICIPATESTEP 1: Register to participate with the form below. Participation is free.
STEP 2: Schedule at least 1 one hour nature themed activity that can be done by your residents, preferably outside. STEP 3: Write a brief summary of the activity perhaps a couple comments about how the activity was perceived by residents. You may supply pictures as long as they are able to be used in media, social media and other marketing outlets. |
- Take a walk - Birdwatch - Visit a local park - Make bird houses or bird feeders - Go fishing - Take a drive through the country - Plant flowers or a vegetable garden - Exercise outdoors - Have a picnic - Take pictures of nature - Have a paint class outside - Game day outside The list is endless! We can't wait to see what you come up with! |
Benefits of Being In Nature:
*Increases energy. A University of Rochester study found that being outside makes us feel more energetic and alive! According to psychology professor Richard Ryan, "Nature is fuel for the soul.
*Fights depression. Seniors are at higher risk of depression, which can lead to a spiral of decline if not addressed.
*Boosts memory. Another University of Michigan study, published by the Association for Psychological Science, found that interacting with nature improved memory performance and attention span by 20 percent.
*Lengthens life. A 2016 study from Harvard University found that no matter their age, socioeconomic status or race, people whose homes are surrounded by vegetation lived 12 percent longer.
*Improves physical health. Spending time in nature has been shown to boost the immune system. And a 2015 University of Chicago study showed that even living in a neighborhood with lots of trees can help improve our cardiovascular and metabolic health, as well as lowering our blood pressure and stress levels.
Resource: Experts Urge Seniors to Spend More Time in Nature (
A great article to read: What Happens When We Reconnect with Nature (